Synopsis: I’ll just try to give you all a brief summary of Princess Mononoke, but at the same time, give it the justice that it rightfully deserves.

The story begins with a young man named ‘Ashitaka’. With his divine up-bringing, he was taught honor, and bravery. These are the moral set standards he lives by, and will die with. Though, one day an evil demon, possessing the pure fighting spirit of a giant boar, decides to terrorize his people’s village. With this, Ashitaka arms himself, and tries to protect his fellow neighbors. However, while battling the beast, he is infected by this sinister soul of pain and hate. Thus, this was the hefty price of killing the monster and saving his village. Later that night, the town elders gather to make a tough decision. “Should they cast away their lasting prince because of merely being infected?”

Now, I would HATE to give away the rest of the plot (To those who haven’t seen it.) So, I shall refrain from saying anymore. (Aren’t I a stinker?) Hopefully, that was enough to get you interested. In any case, this is simply a film you must watch for yourself, to get the full experience. This epic tale of Gods, demons, and the poisonous hearts of humans will keep you enthralled, to say the least.

Music: Well, there’s not much to say about the music, sadly. I left feeling disappointed. With a great music score, this film could’ve been much better (even more-so than it already happens to be.)

Extras: At first glance, after observing the box, I said to myself ”Well, this doesn’t resemble anything ”Special” Don’t let it fool you. It gets better from the outside-in. Though, I enjoy keeping an open mind when it comes to these things. One of the first features I look-out for is the theatrical trailers. Obviously, these are now a set-standard in DVD making, now-a-days. So, I set to play, and quite frankly, the preview and special featurette expressed the sheer beauty of the film astoundingly. You know, after this point, I was shinning with glee. Especially after listening to the 5.1 surround sound. As for the widescreen factor (1.85:1), it made the viewing of the DVD that much more enjoyable. (Note: At least this disc has an insert, which is something I can’t say about the ‘Dragonball Z’ discs.) To me, it’s the little things that matter when it comes to DVDs, and people, the actual disc and film pull it off with elegance.

Final words: What is there to say about this overwhelmingly profound and stunningly animated feature film? It’s just incredible. I was in awe, seriously. This is a movie unlike I’ve laid eyes on. Not only is the story absolutely superb, but the attention to detail will leave you with a certain peace, and the feeling that you’ve seen such a wonderfully drawn piece of art.

Final Mark: 9.5 out of 10
