Eight episodes into this series, I’m really conflicted about this one. I am leaning to the positive over the negative, though.

On the positive side, there is a ton to recommend here. There’s some real thought put into the world-building aspect of this series. The actual society is wildly different than the usual slapdash effort to put humanity in space. I specifically though the element of human photosynthesizing was neat.

It’s the main character that just doesn’t seem right yet. There’s a sort of “Jesus Yamato” thing resting under the surface that I hope doesn’t end up surfacing. I’m really hoping for a surprise as a finish the first season.

On a mixed-to-slightly-positive note, the characters are somewhat difficult to distinguish for the first few episodes. I suppose the asset here is that there’s a little more realism baked into this series and the tones are extremely muted, so you’d expect that. For people who don’t like characters running around with neon pink clothing and giant scythes, this is a plus. For people who don’t like being lost amongst a pretty big cast for a while, it’s a negative.

The animation is definitely CGI, and there’s no mistake about it. It’s not terrible, though. Given that this series is in space, I like the muted grey and black tones. It fits. It’s a sorta Nier Automata vibe.

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