Origins: Early 2000s was originally developed in 2001 by a group of anime fans from’s web community. The site was founded on the premise of the importance of the community aspect of anime. Users conversed, shared opinions on their favorite series and generally developed connections within fandom.

As time went on, OH picked up network anime communities and grew into a more vibrant community. Specific mergers with more ironic anime communities (Hitokiri Haven, UGE) brought more of a dada-ist vibe to the community, creating a unique character to Otaku Haven.

Origins: Mid 2000s

A couple years later, Otaku-Haven merged into another anime site, DB-V, creating Guilty Parties, which expanded into general media reviews and opinion.

About a decade ago, Guilty Parties ceased to exist.


Anime Gaiden was founded in 2024 by members of the original community as a rebirth of Otaku-Haven. It’s our goal to redevelop the tight-knit concept of an anime community. We want to create a critical environment where we promote fans talking to, rather than at each other.

This means no hot takes for clicks. It also means promoting respectful discussion and community-building.
